The PTSA is one of the largest child advocacy groups working toward improving education for all students. Get involved by becoming a member of the PTSA and stay connected to the functions, activities, and valuable information Maynard Jackson High School provides. Membership dues are a source of income for the PTSA. As a PTSA member, your email will be added to our PTSA communications. You can opt-out if you chose to do so.

Please choose the level that best fits your family's needs. We offer memberships from $10 and up. See the levels below. Note that $3.75 per member listed on the membership application goes to GA PTSA.

Your PTSA Membership Dollars support our Maynard Jackson High School students and teachers by assisting with programs such as but not limited to:

Classroom Supplies & Enrichment through our Teacher Enrichment Mini-Grants
Emergency Needs
Scholarship for student applicants who are First in Family to attend college
Facilities Improvements
Cultural & Academic Programming
Teacher and Student Hospitality and Community Building

Donated Memberships

Please consider one of the supporter levels, Hit the Spot, Jaguar Nation, or Hear Me Roar. If you aren't using all 5 memberships for your household, you can donate a membership(s) to a student or parent in the MJHS community. This allows even more inclusive representation across the school community.

Here's how:

After selecting your Supporter Level membership from our online store, please complete the membership form, and for the membership(s) you are not using, choose 1) "student membership" type and 2) enter "DONATED MEMBERSHIP" in the BOTH name fields. The PTSA will collect these donated memberships and work with the MJHS school counselors and social workers to distribute memberships to those in need.

Questions about PTSA Membership? Email our membership chair.