MJHS PTSA Officer Positions
The Maynard H. Jackson High School PTSA Nominating Committee typically accepts nominations for officers for the upcoming school year in the spring of the school year (prior to the new school year). Please note that you must be a current member of the MJHS PTSA to be elected as an officer. Interested parties can join the PTSA at any time through the website.
PTSA officers include: President or two Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Communications, VP of Fundraising and VP of Hospitality. PTSA board members will also be looking for Chairs to head up optional committees of Membership, Parental Involvement and Fundraising.
Please direct all questions regarding nominations to the email for the nominating committee. This email will forward to all members of the nominating committee.
- Oversee and coordinate the strategies and objectives of an executive board to run a PTA effectively.
- Serve as the official contact, communicator and representative of a PTA at school and community events
- Collaborate with Treasurer to create annual PTSA budget.
- Collaborate on and approve the calendar for the school year of PTSA-related meetings and events.
- Designated as an authorized signer for PTA checks, contracts and authorizations for payment.
- Act as liaison between parents and principal/staff.
- Create agenda and facilitate PTSA general body meetings and monthly PTSA board meetings.
- Take meeting notes/minutes at PTSA meetings
- Make copies of minutes from the last general meeting for distribution (and approval) for general meeting
- Submit approved minutes for inclusion on website and posting on PTSA bulletin board.
- Attend board and executive committee meetings, participate in discussions and decision-making, take minutes for preparation and distribution to the other officers.
- Prepare the sign-in sheet, set out name tags, and arrange the room for the general meetings.
- Forward required documentation to GA PTSA main office (submit Executive Board slate)
- Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas, and materials distributed at any official PTSA meeting.
- Manage/oversee the Nominating Committee process. Recruit and form a nominating committee, and remain available to assist them at their request..
- Check PTSA inbox at MJHS once a week.
- Collaborate with President to generate annual PTSA budget.
- Prepare annual audit and tax return.
- Pay bills and reimbursements as required.
- Oversee ongoing finance record keeping, ensure adherence to approved PTSA budget.
- Assist with recruitment of and provide support to committee chairs for key fundraising events.
- Coordinate community sponsorships with event chair and volunteers.
- Solicit business sponsors and ensure that sponsors are receiving the benefits detailed in their membership level.
- Work with VP of Communications to promote ongoing fundraising campaigns, such as MJHS Spirit Store.
- Monitor results of fundraisers; align fundraising objectives and strategies with MJHS’s budgetary needs and research other fundraising opportunities as required.
- Research and apply for grant opportunities that align with school needs as determined by PTSA.
- Create and edit PTSA Roar Newsletter and establish distribution schedule.
- Coordinate information with Principal, Staff and Parent Liaison for school-wide communication needs.
- Maintain MJHS’s web presence by keeping PTSA website updated.
- Maintain all MJHS PTSA social media accounts which may include Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Make posters, flyers and other digital or printed documents at request of other Board members.
- Host events during the school year that promote community building, membership support, teacher appreciation, school outreach, etc.
- These may include back-to-school staff lunch, student back-to-school celebrations, and staff holiday luncheons.
- Provide and serve monthly staff birthday cakes.
- Oversee Teacher Appreciation Week.
- Maintain and stock teacher lounges with amenities, snacks, and refreshed decor as needed.
- Solicit contributions from membership community and business community for events and teacher wish lists.
This position is contingent on passing a vote to expand the role of Membership Chair to a VP position that will include expanded responsibilities.
- Works with PTSA president to set annual membership goals.
- Promotes PTSA membership sales through membership drives, social media posts, content in the PTSA Roar, sign-up stations at school events, and other creative methods.
- Checks membership status at needed to ensure only members receive benefits like voting privileges and mini-grant applications.
- Works with President and other board members to manage the mini-grant program in fall and spring.
- Works with President and other board members to manage the PTSA scholarship program.
Committee Chairs
The Executive Board has several Committee Chairs that are optional and not elected by the membership. These are volunteers from the MJHS community that are nominated and approved by the PTSA Executive Board. All committee members must be current members of the MJHS PTSA.
The Committees have typically been, but not limited to:
Fundraising: Order and maintain inventory of spiritwear and manage online sales via MemberHub. Sell spirit wear at school events and pop-up sales. Work with designers to create new spirit wear offerings. Work with businesses for dine-outs throughout year.
Sunshine Closet: Maintain and solicit donations for supply closet that provides amenities, supplies, hygiene items and other needs for students/faculty. Work with parent liaison to help families in need with food, supplies, and other items for holidays, school breaks and other occasions.
Parental Involvement: Work with school liaison, principal, and staff, as well as other school organizations, to identify areas in which parent volunteers are needed. Assist with maintaining sign-ups for PTSA events requiring volunteers.